Ill: Kkc


From the River
to the Sea
Peace is ruling
The olive groves gloving
in the nourishing farmlands
from a far you hear laughter
children playing in the sunshine

Some young boys are walking
down to the seashore
to meet the sisters
their fishing boats sighted
on the way from the fishing fields
with the daily catch

The enemies are none
no sionists nowhere
All know what happened
there are tales
about The Miracle
Where ever you look
you see the flag waving proudly
in the State of Palestina
the new wind is blowing

As a Nelson Mandela
Jesus suddenly returned
as a lightning from the heavens
so unexpected and mighty
Calling out sionists
from all of their hidings
his roar like a doomsday
shaking the planet

"What is this!?"
What are you doing!?
What have you done
to the Palestine people!
My brother Allah
Our all faithful guardian
woke me up saved me
from my false christian coma"

Then they drove all the sinners
out in the desert
somewhere in a universe
past all imagination

The rest is history
from the great tales of Gaia
All Gods and All peoples
Happy United

And Israel
No man remember

Poetry by PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 24 times
Written on 2024-10-04 at 18:14

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