to the tune of "<i>Unforgettable</i> sung by Nat King Cole, more of a parody, song wrecking, misheard lyrics... just couldn't resist!
So forgettable (theme challenge)
So forgettable
That's what you are
Where's your face again?
Not near nor far
Like a song I heard just yesterday
Kind of catchy, but it slips away
Never before has someone bored me more
So forgettable
In every way
Blink and you're gone again
Nothing left to say
That's why buddy, it's predictable
That someone oh so forgettable
Thinks that I would remember you too
Oh Forgettable
In every sense
You blend right in
No consequence
That's why ducky, it's so laughable
That someone oh so forgettable
Thinks I would be remembering you
Poetry by arquious
Read 18 times
Written on 2024-12-01 at 05:14
Tags Parody  Songwrecking  Misheardlyrics 
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