Now when were about ten
My interest in history develop
By the time I eleven, not stopping me!
Dad told of his life, and his familys
Mum as well did so the same!
So seeding in my
Mum had the news in the backgeownd
Time checking the, getting us kids off to scholl
Her self off to work - on time!

In this way, I were to luern, todays news
Would become tomorrows history!
That many a persons personnal, history
Goes untold, unwritan, appear in any books
Or in a dockumetory, radio & T V!

Now I am in my seventy's, in all that my thinking mind
Remains, quidnunc, state of mind!

Kenny D. Williams

The Dyslexic Wordsmith Ov Thanet

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 52 times
Written on 2025-02-05 at 10:54

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