Now I have not as such, biblioklept, a book, or books.
May have forgoten, to return one or two! Over time,
Well maybe years, truth be told. With - no malish intent.
It is my addictan I have for books, I sufferate, from bibliographyitis.
A cronick, condian!
A need to know, awncers!
Read about a situastan, that I sensed, whol, stotry had not been told!
I just do not like that at all!
Same with me watching a dockuomentory!
I have now about 7,000 books, give or take!
And that's with the the dockos I have!
I look upon each one a jigsaw puzzle, each piece, building a pitcher.
As I read adding to my knowlege. Just as if the pitcher as reached
Conclusion. I see somert is so wrong so very very wrong!
Then, I start again, not all over, has, most is coreckt.
To except, that for me would be wrong wrong so wrong!
Now, I will not live as long as Methuselah, who made a thousand Years!
I'd have to do an Ely, no reports, ever of his death, as yet.
To obtain the truth!
So I am yes, a bibliogrphic, aye that - I AM!
Kenny D. Williams
The Dyslxic Wordsmith Ov Thanet
Poetry by ken d williams

Read 38 times
Written on 2025-02-13 at 23:22