knowledge must come from somewhere: professors teach students but where their knowledges come from and I mean updated knowledge ?
it would give a more accurate meaning about IQ by countries...
but is it a matter of ethics or a matter of misconception because there are no direct and objective relations between nationality and IQ...
Poetry by Albert Vynckier
Read 29 times
Written on 2025-02-24 at 16:03
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chaos in order
I suggest splitting the classes into nationalities and teaching each course based on these groups to emphasize the distinctions during assessments!it would give a more accurate meaning about IQ by countries...
but is it a matter of ethics or a matter of misconception because there are no direct and objective relations between nationality and IQ...
Poetry by Albert Vynckier

Read 29 times
Written on 2025-02-24 at 16:03