
I’m surprised you imagine
I’m to blame in any way
It’s in the job description
It’s part of our DNA
A forger creates forgery
A robber commits robbery
A sorcerer practises sorcery
A mocker makes a mockery
So, love, it’s not my fault
You should be more adult

Poetry by Ray Miller
Read 27 times
Written on 2025-03-02 at 12:44

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IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
hehehe... I know :) I understood this to be from a character's perspective... not yours, of course.

Ray Miller
Ha! Well, let's say I was drawing attention to this kind of behaviour rather than commending it as exemplary. But also, I was struck one day by the word "adultery", how it belies itself, or if you like, adulterates itself.

IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Ouf, if I'm understanding the premise correctly, guy cheats, girl gets mad, and so guy gives this very dismissive excuse suggesting there's no control over that sort of behavior because that's how we're made. Pretty sure he won't be gaining any points with that one! lol Obviously not a point of view I share, but you brought me into this perspective for a moment and got my thoughts going, always enjoy that. Thanks.