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Member since 2005-05-10
Has written 32 comments

Has received 69 applauds



-pic: June 2022... my ta-daa! pose...


from Québec, Canada... 



My shortened name is Isabelle... 


I've been admin tech since 2009, owner of PoetBay.com since 2022... and member since the very beginning 2005.


I like to write!  I don't think I'm anything grand as a writer, but I just like it.  Hopefully, some of it is to your liking as the reader.


Although I'll sometimes be writing about PoetBay stuff here, this account is for my personal use, not official PB matters.  Please address those to Editorial Team.  Thanks!


Q:  Why IB M?
A:  They're my initials.




MY TEXTS, Archive 2 Texts

No Guess Possible Like That - 2025-03-28
Reflections IV (2) - 2025-03-15

"Que dire? Que faire? Que penser? C'est fréquemment à se demander..."