How come they did not see it comeing?
Due to so much news out there
Fack news, nothing new!

Henry Ford had The Dearborn
That once a week, churnd anti Jewish lies!
Pro Hitler!
Read by Americans, Stateswide!


And by the way, Ford trucks supployd inder lisanse
For the Germany army
I. B. M, supployd the paperwork for bissnes of efansey of


The Camps!

And then there were - Father Charles Coughlin!
Who had his own Radio Stashan!
He to churnde anti Jewish, speil, nightly!

Had millons of listaners!
Supported Hitler of course!
While mackeing millons of dolers!


Let's not forget the power of books!
In the 1400s, the printing press, were invented!
A very good envenshan, as signifacant as the internet

Heinrich kramer, wrote a book - Malleus Maleficarum

Populer titale - As - The Hammer Of Witches

Thousands were to die, mostly womon!

That book lead to, the imfermuse trial of the Pendel, Lancashire
Witches and their deaths!

Also let us not forget Salem, Massachusetts, death, of witches!

Hitlers - Mein Kanph!


So fake news is nothing new!

Kenny D. Williams

The Dyslexic Wordsmith Ov Thanet

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 42 times
Written on 2025-03-20 at 16:02

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