Needless to say
But I will anyway
It was something you said
That made me turn away

It is needless to say
That I went my own way
Whether you care or not
I survived

Well, how does it feel
To be wrong again
Ashamed of your own
You should be ashamed of yourself

What has started as forgetfulness
Has turned into punishment
Yet now all that doesn't matter anymore
Only the comfort of knowing that
Out of the many people that surround you
You will end up alone
I guess money doesn't buy everything after all
Now ieven if you wanted to buy
Your own flesh and blood you couldn't

Needless to say
You were led astray
It is needless to say
But I will repaeat it anyway
Pushing people away was
And still is the key to your success.

Poetry by sarit
Read 224 times
Written on 2006-07-19 at 10:54

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Zachary P. B.
Needless to say,
That poem blew me away
I do not know how
But I thank thee, anyway

Wonderful write, welcome to the bay!

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
well done welcome to the bay

and with a lovely rythmical text too rgds mike