This is a little story about a middle aged, barren lovely woman, whom had done it hard all her life, but deep down she is not that strong as others may well think she is.

I hope you like it.

Dina: If ever loves happy in her mind.

If Ever Loves Happy In Her Mind.

She's O so tiny,
she's O so small,
but little Dina
has been in it all

She takes a look back
at the years gone by
and constantly says;
why should I try?

It hasn't been nice
for some time now
the families ready
to throw in the towel

She can't understand
why she does this,
is it because
it was something she missed

She cares for people
young and old
but she does wrong;
so she is told

Sometimes life's clear
as a day in spring
Sometimes it not
and the phone never rings

She very beautiful
and young at heart
but its time for her now
to make a fresh start

She loves to be soft
but makes out
she's strong;
and she tells of no dreams
to be in the arms she longs

If ever love's happy
in her mind;
then maybe it's two hearts
she will find

Poetry by stottjames
Read 467 times
Written on 2006-07-21 at 14:04

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