An inspiring story of a battered woman who's been pissed-off by the physical tortures she had suffered from her husband, sacrificing her feelings for her freedom.


I asked for my scar shall be taken away,
with liquid flowing benath my skin.
With hurts soaped, tears wept;iIt isn't
The pain so hard; suffering of me.

Mancled strenght; can't move, can't prove.
Body weakens; can't stand
Fight for nothing ,as;
Revenge thought, so elude no more

Beleaguered by one, I own?
With hands armored, I fear;
excruciates my soul
It hurts so much as my system malfunctioned.

You tried pushing me to yours;
heading your voluptuous arms,
Making my sleepless nights of thinking.
Young mind is not working.

BAttering days of demented beliefs.
Putting me in the eye of woes.
Bearing all those sorrows at my back,
hoping to send me out of your fists.

My mind being cheated by a spoil in thy heart,
as it begins to shrink;
like a great warrior;
falling back.

Your euphonous sound makes me believe;
that everything will be alright.
Tranquilizing my vibrating flesh, instigating my esteem,
uplift my morale, but,
Forsaken; I felt, amid it's darkened candor.

And now, I felt nothing; as though you were
someone unknown to me.
All of a sudden, my feelings for you,
has just gone away with seconds;
banal feeling with series of physical tortures, could be.

Poetry by margarette joy v. almazan
Read 239 times
Written on 2006-07-24 at 14:29

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