I wrote this when I opened my eye's and actually saw what was standing in front of me. After that, things didn't seem that bad anymore.

Call A Spade A Spade

I look at you now and it's hard to believe, I fell for the web of lies you weave. I look at you now and all I can see is the pain you caused when you ripped my heart from me.

I look at you now, a stranger there stands, with the same kind of face and same touch of hands. But I can see you now for who you REALLY are, you'll never be happy, you'll never go far.

It was never going to work was it, you would see to that, because YOU said all along it wouldn't and what you say is FACT.

It really does amaze me though, that you have no idea, how to simply care for someone else and understand their fear.

You've left me, you're gone, and you're not here anymore. Yet why aren't I crying or in a heap on the floor? Because I can see YOU now and I don't like it at all! You're not what I want, you're not who I'm for.

You knowing damaged a fragile mind; you played with my life like a toy. Seeing the end got harder to find, you're mission, to SEEK and DESTROY.

A valuable lesson has well been learnt, a reality check has been made. Call it what it really is, call a spade a spade.

Life's to short to keep going back, take a chance on happy ever after. Wake up and listen to how you really feel, you might just see its better.

I was blinded by love and driven with hope, thought it would be worth it, thought that I could cope.

Misreading signs that weren't really there, you trying to make me believe you love me and care. Trying so hard but trying for whom? Trying for me or trying for you?

You're not fooling anyone my love, you are as see through as glass. I like my man to BE a man, I like a bit of class.

I've had a lucky escape I think, the things I would have done for you. No-more precious time wasted on broken dreams. I've a million and one things I could do.

So good bye, well played, game set but no win as I can't wait to see what else this journey through life will bring!

Poetry by Jess
Read 190 times
Written on 2006-08-21 at 21:55

Tags Woken  Realise 

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