this is something i wrote when i was feeling a little down.

My Paperjack heart.

(oh my) hey hey I had the worst day
thinking about you is so tiring (so tear apart my paperjack heart)

You broke my heart
you tore it in two
you wanted a girl who was as ('cool') as you

(so oh my) hey hey I had the worst day
thinking of you is so sickening (so tear apart my paperjack heart)

I was your (flower)
I was your (Angel)
I was your (everything) that you were looking for

You were the one and I was all yours.
Its too bad I didnt know about the other girls.

(OH my!) Hey Hey I had the most worst day!
because when I think of you, I think of depression
((so would you please just tear apart my paperjack heart and leave me alone?!))

Poetry by Dead.x.End
Read 281 times
Written on 2006-08-22 at 17:40

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