what my love gave to me

the gift

I remember a while ago
Where tears was all that I know
Where sadness was all that became my soul
Crimson red tears was all that flowed
But since then you helped me grow
Now like a phoenix I rise
Embracing you with all my might
My flaming heart and my passionate love
All covers your entire being
Now all I see is you
Now all that I feel is you
The reality of what my love truly is
God bless your love
God bless your sweet smile
God bless your loving heart
Now lay in my arms and always be
Lay in my arms and let me soothe you
For my love will be the light
That will guide you
In this dangerous dark plight
called life......

Poetry by *Ness*
Read 855 times
Written on 2006-08-30 at 23:02

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This is wonderful gift from someone you love most!!!!beautiful poetry here!!!!well done!!!!kissess