My Child, My Art

Beauty captured by a simple flick of my wrist
Excitement itching through my skin

Left and right, passion is electric in the air
And it claims me, to feel free, to fly

The feeling bestowed upon me
My fingers twitch, wanting more

My hands rise to the easel
To steady it as it steadies me

I feel its faint heartbeat coursing through my fingertip
Its rhythm, like hypnotic music, I sway myself to it

We dance; I strike a corporal streak to my page
It embraces my attack with reassurance

I create a heart; my art shall feel emotions, love and happiness
I form veins, my art will bleed if cut, as I would

I craft lungs, it shall breathe and live
I fashion organs; my art is shaped to my form

I generate muscles and tissue, to give strength with life
I construct features; splendour will flourish in my art

I build a body, so it may have the delight of walking
Of holding, of jumping, of running

Eyes, to see the beauty of a simple sunset
To see the magnificence if the earth, to see the moons and the stars

A tongue, so my art will have the power to reply, it shall not be restricted
I shall listen to its words; I shall encourage its desires

Ears to experience the greatest plays, novels and symphonies written
So it may hear and understand the beauty of the written word

A nose, so it may smell the pollen in the air,
To smell the sweet perfume to the delicate rose

Skin, to feel the light breezes and warm glares of the sun
To feel the grass and earth, to connect with life.

My Beauty is born, my child, my pride...My Art

Poetry by Illusion
Read 258 times
Written on 2005-09-15 at 13:06

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dott Print text Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
i love this... your passion out in the open for all to witness... and it's most appreciated by this reader here :) art eh, what would life be like without its precious touch? :) very beautiful poem... thanks for sharing this :f

later... xx

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
artistic delight, in creation, aye, i know it well. the birth of new, the hands, the yes, shaping it through its growth.

perhaps not using the word 'art' so much in your lines? it was a word that kept repeating where peronally i thought it could have still been said without saying it. plus the capitilisation at the last line put me off a little as i thought that was not needed, works well just as normal letters. other than those two points though, i enjoyed this, and can relate to it very much.