A story of fantasy written for one that has my heart in his hands. Not intended for people under the age of 18...

Fireside Romance

The gas logs were lit, the wine chilled and dinner prepared. We ate then strolled, hand in hand, to the den to sit in front of the fire's warmth. You sat in the large, soft leather chair and I curled up in the floor at your feet. We both had our wine glasses in hand and slowly sipped the sweet nectar as we softly chatted.

My head rested against your knee as your fingers stroked gently through my hair, slowly twining the tresses between your fingers as you relaxed. The sound of your voice loosened the knots of tension in my shoulders, soothing me like the most practiced masseuse never could. Just listening to you talk melted my cares away.

Wine glass held lightly in my left hand, my right hand traced small patterns on the material of your pants, feeling the firmness of your thigh underneath. I turned my blue/green eyes upward to gaze into your beloved face and saw the contented smile that rested on your lips. Peace engulfed me as love rushed through my very veins, flooding my heart and soul with sweetness.

Soft music crooned from the radio in the bedroom, muted from the distance, but the perfect backdrop to this oh-so-perfect moment in time. The hand that you'd been stroking my hair with came around to trace the lines of my face and I saw the same love that washed through me shine forth from your beautiful eyes. My head turned slightly and I planted a soft kiss in the palm of your hand, reveling at the feeling of being so totally loved.

Reaching down you took the wine glass from my hand then set both of our glasses on the table beside the chair. You took both of my hands in yours and raised me to my knees as you leaned forward. Our lips met, softly at first, then with more intensity. My arms ached to be around you, drawing you closer, but you held my hands in yours, teasing me with little nips and quick pecks.

I raised up more, trying to gain more access to your tempting lips and you laughed softly, more a growl of approval than a laugh. That sound stoked the fire that was growing within me and I jerked my hands from yours and wrapped them around your neck, pulling you down for a long, deep, intimate kiss. The reaction was instant, and the flames burned out of control as I struggled to get ever closer to you.

You slid to the edge of the seat so that we were touching as much as possible as I knelt between your knees. I could feel the tension in your arms as you pulled me closer and the fire raged out of control.

A gentle shove put me on my back as you covered me with your warm, hard body. I welcomed your weight by wrapping my arms, once more, around your neck and pulling you down for more of the delicious, tongue tangling kisses we'd just shared. The proof of your pleasure was pressing firmly against the lower part of my abdomen and I parted my thighs for you to settle more comfortably between them.

The skirt of my dress had ridden up to past mid thigh and the feel of your thighs rubbing against mine drove me nearly crazy. The soft growl that tore from my throat drew a groan of pleasure from you. I arched against you, longing to feel you against the most intimate part of me. My left calf was draped over your legs, drawing you closer and closer to me.

My skirt rode higher to expose the brief white silk panties I knew you loved. The bulge in your pants rubbed over the silk like a heated whisper drawing a gasp of deep pleasure from me. I arched against you again, longing to feel you in the very core of my being. Both legs wrapped around yours as I urged you to show me the extent of your desire.

Wet, heated kisses left us both panting as we tore at the layers of clothing that impeded our way. Clothes served only one purpose for us now, and that was to keep us from feeling the wondrous touch of one another's flesh. Soon, all that was left of our dinner clothes was the white silk panties and matching lace bra that you gazed at with deep approval.

Nipples strained against the lace, begging for the wet heat of your mouth. A small yelp of pure, undiluted pleasure tore from my lips as your lips closed around one and pulled it deep into your mouth, lace and all. Again I arched against you, desperate for more. Your hardness slid like heated oil over the silk that covered me, and a tear of frustrated pleasure slid from my eye.

At last you took pity on me and slowly, sensually, worked the scrap of silk down my trembling legs. With a flick of your wrist you tossed them away then turned to feast your eyes on what lay before you. Heat flared even brighter in your eyes as you knelt between my legs. I could feel the dampness between my thighs as your hands traced from breast to hip, over and over. Your eyes locked on mine and we read the depths of one another's hearts.

I was breathless as I saw your intent in your eyes and I gave a small, jerky nod, silently pleading with you to follow through on the promise I saw glowing there. A small smile curled your lips as you raised my legs over your shoulders and touched your tongue to the center of my desire. Tension shot through me as waves of excruciating pleasure swept over me. My hands grasped at your hair as I urged you to continue. I lost all sense of time and place as your tongue and lips worked their magic, and I felt myself build to almost painful ecstasy as your fingers slowly teased me.

Slowly you inserted the tip of your finger just inside, eased along by the sweet wetness my body was creating. You began a slow, easy rhythm, easing your finger just inside, then sliding back out, as your magical tongue teased my throbbing, aching clitoris. The tension built until I thought I'd die as you devoured me.

Totally lost in you I felt myself explode, pure, undiluted pleasure racing along every nerve ending like electricity, sparking every sensitive, secret place in my over heated body. Spasms shook me as I trembled in your arms.

Your kiss tasted like nectar as I tasted myself on your lips. I raised your hand to my mouth and slowly suckled my juices from your fingers. Fire blazed in your eyes as I sucked your fingers and traced my hands down your abdomen to graze lightly against your straining erection.

I pulled you down for a kiss then rolled you over until you were flat on your back. My hand stroked over your chest, teasing your nipples and then down over your stomach. The warmth of your skin felt wonderful under my roaming fingers but I had one destination in mind. Watching your face I could see the anticipation building as my hand moved lower, then saw the raw pleasure wash over you as my fingers closed softly around you, slowly stroking the silken flesh.

My eyes followed the path my hand had traveled and I saw the small drop of dew forming on the tip. Your breathing accelerated when you saw the tip of my tongue trace over my lower lip. I raised up to my knees and knelt beside you as I leaned over to taste the salty/sweet drop of masculine nectar, reveling at the combined taste of you, and the remaining taste of me that still lingered on my lips.

The tip of my tongue traced the hot, smooth head, bringing groans of tormented pleasure from you. I heard you plead, "God, darlin', take it, please!" These were the only words that had been spoken since we had begun. Hearing the thick heat in your voice urged me on and I suckled you deep into my warm, wet mouth. Your hips arched up off the floor as your hands grasped my hair, silently pleading with me to take you deeper into my hungry mouth.

Salty sweetness pleased my tongue as I consumed you, your gasps of pleasure all the urging I needed. The smooth skin throbbed with your desire, swelling even more as I took you deep into my mouth. I traced my tongue down the length of you, stroking softly with my hand as my tongue followed the thick vein to the base.

My other hand gently cradled your balls, and I suckled them, one at a time, into my mouth. Your growl of approval was matched by the pulsing erection that I was stroking slowly. The feeling of sexual power was an aphrodisiac, heating me to near boiling.

Another bead of moisture had formed on the head of your straining cock and had dripped down and I once more took you into my mouth, reveling in the taste and feel of you. The moisture from my own desire was on my inner thighs, and I slowly reached down and rubbed my aching clit.

I heard your breathing accelerate even more as you watched me. Your manhood disappearing into my mouth and my long, agile fingers bringing me rapidly to another orgasm was tearing you up, and you arched against me, causing me to take even more of you into my mouth.

As I exploded once more you pulled me up beside you and rolled me to my side. You entered me from behind as I was still spasming from my climax. Your engorged head parted my wetness, sliding into the tight, hot sheath. As you drove deep inside I cried out with pleasure, pushing back against you to meet each powerful thrust.

Before one orgasm was over I felt another building with such intensity that I thought I wouldn't survive it. Strong waves of ecstasy washed over me, tension so high that I nearly snapped. A near scream tore from my throat as your name crossed my lips, over and over.

Your own shout of release mingled with mine as I felt you pulsate deep inside me, spilling your heated seed in the deepest part of me. Trembling arms pulled me close as we rode the waves of pleasure, gasping and calling out each other's names.

Soft breaths ruffled my hair as your lips grazed over my ear. I turned my head and our lips met in a slow, gentle kiss. You pulled out of me, leaving me feeling almost bereft, then you rolled me over to lay my head on your chest as your arms encased me. I could hear your heart beating so strong, bringing a smile to my face. That was MY heart beating in your chest, just as surely as yours was beating in mine.

The murmur of our voices faded as we slowly drifted off to sleep on the rug in front of the gas log fire. Your arms, wrapped tight around me, were my security blanket, keeping me safe from the world, safe in your love. The last words to pass from my lips as I drifted off to sleep were, "I love you, honey," and then the world faded into oblivion.

Short story by Glata
Read 431 times
Written on 2006-09-14 at 16:08

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oh...my...god...now i'm gonna need an icy shower...was i in your place, i'd add in the presentation "and not intended without backup of pants" :D ...this is so damn hot, as i feel too right now...and very well constructed as a text. aside the deep erotism of it, it is obvious you have talent in writing! i'll try to focus on your poetry also...but after i chill from this sample of prose :D:D:D
Lilly xxx