I would make a hellish angel

I got my hands untied
I violate all the rules I thought I made
and feel free for once
I wish I had white wings, or maybe candy pink
Doesn’t really matter, as long as they carry me

If God was on the radio
would he play the songs I asked
or would he blow off my requests
not reading my emails
not even the postcards with stamps

I sign my name on the dotted line next to yours
Don't know what I'm throwing myself into
But it feels as you are the road to redemption
I’m hiding from the evil on my inside

If I ever got those wings
I guess God would turn his cheek
Because I would make a hellish angel

I never seem to fit in

Words by Natalie
Read 1505 times
Written on 2006-09-20 at 18:30

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A beautiful poem honey!

Just like all of your poems are.... :)
Keep up the good work Natta!

Your friend,

Great poem.Thanks for share

so cool baby!!! ^^ I love it =)

love you <3