This is told in the POV of two of my dogs.

My Buddy and Me.

My buddy and me, we are as happy as can be.
Because I like him and he likes me.
We have a lot of fun running squirrels up a tree.
He likes to play games with a ball.
He is short while I am tall.

What can I say about my little buddy.
Man the boy looks up to me,
but he gets right hinky when mama's around.
We both sleep on her bed but he stands his ground.

Sometimes we even sneak up on that old cat.
But the cat don't mind us none at tall, as he likes it like that.
We both look out the door when the buzzer rings.
We might even help mama when she sings.

The best part is, we have been friends for life.
We settle our squabbles and so there no real strife.
My buddy and me, we are as happy as can be.
Cause I like him and he likes me.

If we are good we will find it fine and dandy,
if mama goes and gets us doggie candy.
We tell everyone that she is real sweet.
Course now we are looking for that special treat.

Poetry by Judy T Lloyd
Read 1132 times
Written on 2006-09-21 at 02:42

Tags Animals  Nature  Love 

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Zoya Zaidi
It is so cute!!!!!!!!
I love dogs and I love this.
(((Hugs Judy)))

Michael G
yay! i like it, its nice and fun to read.

Leif H T Strand
Funny and revealing

now that is so sweet, i love it.

keith nunes
a wonderfully charming piece judy. made me smile. lovely relationship they have.