i really don't like this one, but posted it anyway

Evaluation of the Ten

How about that?
Will you give me a cape now?
With the 'S' stitched into the fabric,
Tattooed into my skin?

Don't doubt me, I know I'm right,
And don't I deserve to do this now?
Don't I deserve to let go of the reins,
Throw it all into oblivion?

I'm standing on my head
Just feeling the blood rush down,
Knowing my kick's not powerful
And I won't be inverted

You want enough rope
To be able to tie ends together
And the rest?
Who said there had to be leverage?

So I'm numb but
having acupuncture done
And my skin's full of needles
So sharp, so piercing.

Can I go from this nightmare?
Please tell me it's time

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 539 times
Written on 2006-10-04 at 03:27

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Ouch, I got tatoos and that's painful enough. Ouch!!!