
Shut the gate this time would you!
Be aware you might actually need to use force-
You know it's manually operated.

Did you really need to leave the box open?
Destruction still spilling out of it
Like there's such a high demand.

Turn and face, the music is waiting
Patiently for the dalliance you promised,
Your hand forced behind overlapped.

It's not as if that look suits you
I prefer deeper shades of empty
To cover the holes protruding

While you skirt, and dress excuse like it's lamb
Instead of hard-boiled mutton
With just a dash of thyme.

It would do you good to hold your tongue
Acerb as it is, deliciously sharp
To wrap around your words.

And you thought it was over.

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 1270 times
Written on 2007-01-20 at 09:48

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good one dear :)