escapist tendencies can be very bad...


I thought you'd be here
When I turned back around
When I found my destination
I thought you'd be here

And I don't know where you went
I don't know where you are
I'm sitting in the silver sun
Wishing on a star.

It's peaceful here,
this place I found
In the heart of thorns
No-one thinks to come here.

I need to see you through the pillars
Walking back to me
But you don't even want to know
exactly where I am

You didn't come to me
And I hate the fact I called you
For I needed you to chase after me
But I know you'll never come

Poetry by Caila Ihle
Read 544 times
Written on 2006-10-04 at 03:33

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At least you made the first move, and if he can't deliver, you did your best!!!

Zachary P. B.
wow wow caila... i totally connect and feel this one... being left alone, it's such a horrible feeling. you've embodied something i've felt many a time...

great job.

Rob Graber
Excellent evocation of abandonment!