based on an good or bad relationship of what have you and it tells an story about an girl who was once in love with the man she thought she was in love with until they both broke each others' hearts.


I can't sit back and think
about the past between us
because the love that we
once shared is not so
special as it once was then
we both grew a part
from each other
thinking that we were
in love
there was an time
when we were always close
and by each other like
night and day
things change
like the weather
its kind of funny that
the whole time we
was together
i felt
so gone
i was by you
through the thick and thin
somehow we lost track
when you never knew
that i was real
you never took the time
to see what i was worth

Poetry by shawnta
Read 227 times
Written on 2006-10-30 at 11:35

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