Rosy Dawn over Lake Ontario

I stood upon the Lighthouse Beach,
Gazing upon the eastern skyline.
The rosy dawn trickled upon the lake,
Pastel stars seem to expire
With the birth of the lilac morning.

O' my tender vision, that loves the dawn,
The dreamy throb of my being.
My spirit soars with thee,
Living with the breath
Of the mountains upon my tongue
And dew-drops upon my eyelids,
My spirit sings.

Cold water glides down the creek,
Dazzling the pulse of dawn through a rift.
Blackbird songs echo upon the breeze
And the sound of waves washing the sand
Lingers once more.

Now the morning will fade
As will the twilight,
Then the shadows will dance
For a time with the moon.
Yet the dawn-delights
Will awaken my soul
For a thousand times.

Rainy springs, frosty autumn,
Winters mercy and summers bounty,
Harbor the dawn with fleeing shadows
And fetching sunlight.

Upon the eastern skyline,
I observe the dawn in all its glory,
Over Lake Ontario.

Poetry by Firehark
Read 263 times
Written on 2006-11-03 at 20:05

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