this is about someone married to a family member..hope you like it. fuck wit.


your poison you drink
your intoxication you love

money troubles at home
but you still find poison money

children to feed
chidren to love
you only love your poison

voilent after your poison runs through your vains
warming you up inside
but turning your heart to stone

but how long will it be untill you lash out
when you havnt had a drink
i mean

Poetry by Dani
Read 841 times
Written on 2006-11-04 at 12:10

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Poison comes in many forms, I said it came in the form of jealousy but you had better intentions. Very powerful write.

~Aaron Rowe

Kathy Lockhart
this is powerful, Dani.
I hope this one gets some help to stop taking this poison for he/she is killing not only themselves but the hearts of those who depend on him/her or love him/her.