Astral Travel
Closing my eyes at night, I wonder what adventures I will find. Will I become a pirate, wizard, lover, ? Where will I travel, what will I see? Floating, I feel myself leaving my body..floating higher and higher to some unseen part of unconscienous. I feel myself flying, wind wiping my hair, as I fly above the ocean. I can taste the salty air, and feel the cool breeze of the tide. I dive deep into the ocean, feeling the cool water wash my skin. I hear the most beautiful sounds, whales, dolphins, and other living things of the sea. I float back up, and put my feet to the earth. I walk along the beach, and feel utterly relaxed and at ease. The moon's delicate rays tickle my skin. Suddenly, I am sucked up so fast into reality. I am back in my bed. I sit up, and take in my surroundings. I stretch, touch my that sand I feel????Poetry by Teala
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Written on 2005-10-09 at 07:50
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