Astral Travel

Closing my eyes at night, I wonder what adventures I will find. Will I become a pirate, wizard, lover, ? Where will I travel, what will I see? Floating, I feel myself leaving my body..floating higher and higher to some unseen part of unconscienous. I feel myself flying, wind wiping my hair, as I fly above the ocean. I can taste the salty air, and feel the cool breeze of the tide. I dive deep into the ocean, feeling the cool water wash my skin. I hear the most beautiful sounds, whales, dolphins, and other living things of the sea. I float back up, and put my feet to the earth. I walk along the beach, and feel utterly relaxed and at ease. The moon's delicate rays tickle my skin. Suddenly, I am sucked up so fast into reality. I am back in my bed. I sit up, and take in my surroundings. I stretch, touch my that sand I feel????

Poetry by Teala
Read 1527 times
Written on 2005-10-09 at 07:50

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I like the pretty words. Into consideration that i do not know how or what you are feeling at the time of the piece, I like to see line breaks, almost like a roadmap of how you want the poem to be read. If it is prose, then it it is prose, but poems are beautiful because they are written in spoken me....i do enjoy the read

Zoya Zaidi
Beautiful, imaginative peace, also self-explorative, the climax gives it a surrealistic touch. Well done!

Commentally Ill
personally, i'd like the wizard role... :) oh yes, i am a harry potter geek. :O a fanciful write, that brought images of a gorgeous beach to mind

In dreams we can be anyone or anthing we choose, and with such vividness that on awakening feel that tinge of sadness (unless of course there is a grain of sand)

A beautiful fantasy text, I find the ending especially charming... "is that sand I feel?" I've been reading your three first texts and what I found in all of them is beauty, longing, sensuality, and power. Welcome to this place!

No, you won't be a pirate, rather a lover if you wish to be. Your poem is very touching!

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
once more, the spacing of the piece. no comma before a question mark. the use too of elipses (...) isn't needed as much as you use them, a comma or full stop would be fine.

unconscienous - unconsciousness

no real need for 4 question marks at the end.

astral travel - wouldn't mind some of that seeing as though i never get a holiday.