Same archive vintage when the lady smiled and I became a lost cause late September 2005  This site owns copywrite and  I thank them for its non commercial use

Portrait Of A Lady By M.A.Meddings

She is
A captivating
Exasperating minx
A lady  that I know
Who drives me wild
With her reverie
And asks the most
Innocent questions
So enchantingly
Such  that  I inwardly
Growl  then prowl
Like a tiger
She loses her glasses
Makes light of my passes
Even continually
Calls me  sweetie
Chocolate? I know not
But it is said with
Such light laughter
That always thereafter
I am entranced by
The charmingly disarmingly
Way she has
Enwrapped me
She cuts me with her absence
Then I am lost in  the world
She is undoubtedly my special
And always
A beautiful


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1061 times
Written on 2006-11-21 at 22:33

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Zachary P. B.
i always love your texts on love and the heart, they seem to get me. the picture reminds me of the woman in white by wilkie collins (sorry random). good one mike.


Kathy Lockhart
Wow! this is scrumptous! It billows with warmth and charm.