An imaginary poem in the Paladin series.
'As I wandered from the battle of Acheron I met a maiden fair'

The Darkling Thrush by M.A.Meddings

I heard the song of the darkling thrush
In the soft  half light of morning
nd he sang to me of immortal flower
et soft his sentinal warning

Oh thee beware my boldest knight
f  the fountains nectared flow
or once you enter paradise there
You never more shall go

For you are captured willingly
Enchanted lost and sloth
or love has taken you in hold
nd rendered restless oft 

For the nectared flower's soporiphic charms
Are delightful rare indeed
The scented vale renders you pale
Thus burgioning your needs  

the senses all will take your o'er
And cause the blood to rush
Beware your heart oh gentle knight
Thus sang the darkling thrush

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 2208 times
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Written on 2008-04-30 at 07:44

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Kathy Lockhart
I miss you my darling. I write to you knowing you will never read but i must communicate however I can. Without you my life is empty. I love you and will always love you. My favorite poet and the love of my life. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm

The Paladin is back in the season of flowers!
This subtly erotic poem would make a beautiful song lyrics, wouldn't it :)

As I read I find it is a flow and a softness that touches me .. words and the melody of them blend perfectly ... very nice work ..

i agree with of your finest pieces. outstanding work michael.

Kathy Lockhart
oh Michael this is one of your very very best. I love its rhythm and it's beautiful imagery takes me to a lovely place in time and vision. This is poetry that should be read by all. It is beautiful honey. Absolutely perfect in every way. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxyblyvm