Wtitten around the Picture drawn by Dino Torquemada for his poem 'Naked offerings' in a PM i told him I would call her Roxane the legendry love of Cyronao De Bergerac. Thanks Dino for the inspiration. I have his permission to use it

Roxane by M.A.Meddings

Keeper of my heart Roxane
How in the world can
I defend it before your beauty
This tortured heart  
When you know how
You take me apart
And find the most beautiful
Ways to destroy me
The way the moonlight rays
Finds enchanting ways
To enhance your delightful breasts
Oh Roxane
How in the world can
I ever forget you

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 806 times
Written on 2006-11-23 at 17:19

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Kathy Lockhart
Beautiful romance! The art displayed in word and picture is beautiful.

I feel the spirit of a poet of distinction within this verse Michael....you astound with every word. Dino's portrait is breathtaking as well. Excellence from the hands of true artists. I hope you will both combine your talents again for us to enjoy.

I dont know which is more beautiful - the picture or the poem. But they perfectly complement each other in creating this soft, sensual feeling... Ummm. Now, where did the windows go?