“star-crossed lovers”: First used by Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet (1597) at the "Globe theater" in London Great Britain. The picture is copyright protected and made for an affisch by me, Dan Cederholm.

Romeo and Juliet

Two households, in fair Verona
From archaic bitterness breaks to new rebellion
where civil blood makes civil hands soiled.

Romeo and Juliet were lovers  . . .

From that day forth the deadly passion
of these two deadly
A pair of “star-crossed lovers” is glowing in the dark

Romeo and Juliet were lovers  . . .

Involving every part of misadventures
Romeo and Juliet’s provoking compassion

put an end to their own life

Romeo and Juliet were lovers . . .

Accompanied with their death, bury their parents' strife.
The dreadful way of their death-marked love

Romeo and Juliet were lovers . . .

And the prolonging of their parents' rage,
Which, however their children's end, nought could remove

Romeo and Juliet were lovers . . .
glowing toward our time . . .

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1133 times
Written on 2006-11-25 at 11:07

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The Nxt LeveL
Definately enjoyed the read. I as the rest have seen the modern day version of the play. I actually brought the DVD for my collection. I like how you summarized the whole play in a few lines very clever.


Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5

Amanda K
Dear Dan,

I watched the movie of Romeo and Juliet in London in the cinema. It was like a new version. Leonardo Gabriel and another actress did perform it well. I was close to tears as watching. It's very sensual,true and pure love. I wonder why would some families fight love.To find a right one isn't a piece of cake. Loved your poem that did embody their stroy of love.


Language: 5
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 4

Kathy Lockhart
your artistic ability is full and overflowing Dan. This is an awesome presentation through written and visual art.