this is dirty
this needs mending

and this ?


I never used this one

______________________ -No you never used that one !

what is this

Thomas the Tank Engine
why are you smiling again ?

a glove


at one point in history there must have been two

these drawers are deep

a silk scarf
purple but too short

______________________ -Have you seen the remote control ?

what ? here ?

______________________ -No of course not there !

woollen socks do they breed ? why do they interact so much with each other

______________________ -What did you say ?

never mind
socks gloves hats scarfs

. thats when I see them .

. the faces of the children of Palestine .

I found the questions

Diary by Lourdes
Read 1053 times
Written on 2006-11-25 at 19:22

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