This blonde bombshell did it and it is for her

The Beautiful Blonde From Chesapeake Bay by M.A.Meddings

The lovely blonde from Chesapeake bay

Came to my life one day

In a flurry of thrills

She cast all her spells

And stole my poor heart


But of the love unrequited

I was soon to be knighted

As Sir Michael the one foolish hearted

It was the heat of the fire

That made me perspire

And not her sweet kiss as we parted

But she is just the same

A real  pretty dame 

A beautiful lady with style

I am stricken with  bliss

Might one day win a kiss

From the  beautiful blonde

Of  Chesapeake bay


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 843 times
Written on 2006-11-26 at 10:30

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*smirks* hmmm chesapeake bay huh? well now, isn't that a coincidence. a very special place no doubt? great writing as always.

2006-11-27 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
hehe... blame it on the blonde ;) this made me smile... i can just imagine poor sir michael losing all his means before such breathtaking beauty ;) :) lovely picture to complement your text :) *hug* xx

Kathy Lockhart
This is delightful! What a beauty!!

A classic romantic-hero poem!

This is so fun! I love it, the layout and flow are both excellent!