If I never  write another poem in my life, this I would wish to be remembered as my ultimate love poem. I am indebted to Dino Torquemada for his beautiful drawing on this poem

The Heartbeats Of A Fool by M.A.Meddings an acrostic for coolAarons different love challenge

Heartbeats as you speak my name
Even now they quicken as your words flow
And its such a tender way that  you say Michael
Rendered with such style and gentleness
Taking me into dreams that I once had lost
Breathless long ago before your beauty
Enduring the longing now to make amends
And prove to you just how I care
Tenderness unleashed once more
Simply  helplessly  just how I adore you

Once in an Autumn long ago the blood rush flowed
For only you who took my heart

And have done once again without effort

For there sweet lady of my soul
Only you can release me from this prison
Only you have the power to destroy me now
Loving you was inevitable once I saw you again





Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1809 times
Written on 2006-11-27 at 17:31

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betsy Firefly
Oh, that ONE true love... I'm glad I never met mine again!

I, too, would have been duped a second time...

VERY well penned.

Thats why you the last romantic hero....

i can't say anything im totally speechless

well i wasnt in love but i think i fell in love, reading your poem
thanx and bookmarked


Lastroman what a romancer you are
beautiful and this has to be your
finest bestest and most honest
write as the heart does not lie
i may add!!
a beauty for shore!!
hugs cindy

Rob Graber
Nice! I like especially the final line.

No less than I would have expected from you Mike, a glorious expression of love, don't know about fools though, I think the fools are the ones who are too fearful of love myself! Smiling at you, loveless but lovely anyway! lol Modest Tai winking at you

Amanda K
it's bookmarked so i can i show it to my fiance,children ,grandchildren....ect:D


Amanda K
I was lucky to read it in the morning. Today poetbay's page is great. Moods posted a smile and you the best love poem i read lately. I don flatter but it's true. The poem's words are like threads that at the end sewed the greatest love's experience the speaker lived.Bravooo Mikoo.


Kathy Lockhart
You, sir, are one gifted romantic poet! One day, when my grandchildren are studying your works in high school I will tell them that I knew you in your early days of writing and that you are a dear friend of mine.

Tender and touching...it will crumble even the most guarded heart I am sure ....beautiful Michael

This would be an adorable poem, considering it a last one in your writings...though I truely hope this won't happen...there are still a lot of things to discover in your creation, dear Michael :-). So I'll just limit myself to congratulating you once again for your talent and for your way of exposing it. Bravo! Lilly

Acrostics can sometimes do wonders: I'm sure the lady will forgive, whatever it is that you want to make amends for, hero!

Zoya Zaidi
Michel, Michel, Michel, the ardent, ever romantic hero of poetbay!
(((Hugs for another 'very you' poem!)))
Love, Zoya