This beauty, this fire, this enraptured moment.

I Just Love The Way You Look Tonight by M.A.Meddings


I just love the way you look tonight
I love the way your eyes catch the light
And  your skin glows to enhance the beauty of you 
I love the way your hair is taken up with casual ease
From your beautiful throat so designed to please
You have the look of a woman in love
And you look  so very beautiful tonight
So that I in trembling awe seek the right
To ask you to dance and hold you so close
That  I  can hear  your  heartbeat in tune with mine
In this moment  of joy as I watch your eyes shine
Then playfully rapture me and steal my heart
I just love the way you look tonight

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 991 times
Written on 2006-11-28 at 19:22

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i like yr poems so much
but i like it more
it makes me floating in the air
what a nice sensation
but the great sensation that when
i fine a new done of u

I love the way you're poem looks today....
You're poem is a work of a person that has an apple in the eye, it's so beautiful...

Yes, that sparkle says it all Mike. Wonderfully romantic as usual. It didn't used to matter what clothes we wore, when I was in love, that look in the eye was enough to transform this Cinders! I love your love poems, smiling at you, lost the twinkle, but it will come back I hope! Like bad penny moi!

Thump thump
Thump thump
Thump !!!!
Be still my heart!!!

Michael, you keep writing like this and we are all going to need CPR with all this romance laced poetry pumping from your veins!

Only YOU can do it this right!


Kathy Lockhart
Mike you just keep writing these beautiful love poems. You are an eternal fountain of romantic poetry. You are a very talented man and the woman who you love is very fortunate indeed.