A modern villanelle accolade to the love in my heart  for her

The Goodbye Song by M.A.Meddings

Love  often elates and at times equates to pain
It has no rules than the sound of your name
For no easy game love is often the goodbye song

If in joy you find the song tuneful and sweet 
Listen to the cadenced sonata and enjoy for 
Love often elates and at times equates to pain

With these closed eyes I implore those that are loved
Deny the lured sound of the etude in black and reflect
For no easy game love is often the  goodbye song

And I that have loved and found the brief enthralment
Of believing my love was pleasing and welcome yet
Love  often elates and at times equates to pain

Yet as i loved  there was no more delightful sensation than this
This being this state of mind  wherein never have I felt more alive
For no easy game love is often the goodbye song

For now in finale' take the love you find cherish it unto the heart 
Until, if unrequited it dies at the alter of indifference, it is beautiful
Love  often elates and at times equates to pain
For no easy game love is often the goodbye song



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 685 times
Written on 2006-12-02 at 07:21

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Amanda K
well, this is what makes love wonderful in all the cases. an amazing work of art micky.

oh it's real pain of love

its really magnificent all your poems thrill me

another elegantly written ode of love....incredibly rich and plush, like velvet on a page.

''Love often elates and at times equates to pain
For no easy game love is often the goodbye song''( I loved these lines.)

Dear romantic hero :),

Love sometimes equates to pain , even it often equates to pain !!!

very well written,

The romantic in you shines through in this poem. Good Job mike. : )

~Aaron Rowe