A Love Poem

This Flower

This Flower

This Flower
Placed within
the garden of this earth
Exhibiting an inner and outer beauty
so astounding
I dare not limit it to the words
that only I could express
Her beauty is worthy
of every interpretation
that can be given
even still it could not completely capture
what her presence creates,
in all who cross her path

This Flower
So flawless in form
that even her imperfections
are perfect
Truly a masterpiece
created by the hand of God
So alluring one glance
leaves you breathless
The second, leaves you heartless
because she has stolen every impulse
you will ever experience,
regarding love
Only to give it back to you ten fold
with a smile so brilliant
it will blind you
So warm, it will melt
the coldest heart
of any whose eyes meet hers
So inviting
It shatters all resistance
Enslaving you to her will
until she sees fit
to set you free

This Flower
Displaying radiant hues of femininity,
Vibrant pastels of
passion and sensuality
Perfectly blended
to such a magnitude
Their affects scream,
through the hollow souls
of those who once knew love,
but had forgotten it's name
She serves as their reminder

The Nxt LeveL
Copyright 2000 all rights reserved

Poetry by The Nxt LeveL
Read 1212 times
Written on 2006-12-03 at 13:42

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this was beautiful, very elegant of the metaphoric of a woman to a flower, a beautiful metaphor....i would love to be compared to a flower....so precious and fragile....Beautiful!!!!!

This is a vibrant, romantic read..it gave me chills..the imagery of love is wonderfully shown here.

Zachary P. B.
excellently portrayed metaphor you have here... very beautifully written.

top notch.

Dan Cederholm
Wooow what a wonderful reading here!

Welcome to poetbay, and thanks for

sharing this lovely poem!!!

All the Best, Dan!


night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
:) Welcome to poetbay! :) And thanks for sharing this piece of art with us here on poetbay!*storm of applause*AND *bookmarked* of course and on my favourites!!!