If this is my last day,
I won't spend it dwelling upon the end
things I've should of said
places I've never been
What purpose would that ser
If This Is My Last Day
If This Is My Last Day
If this is my last day
I won't spend it dwelling upon the end
things I've should of said
places I've never been
What purpose would that serve
I prefer to watch the sunrise
reflecting in your eyes
Eyes that love me
soothe me
make me believe
Eyes I must bid farewell to
Eyes that are now filled with tears
along with mine
Let them not be of mourning, on this morning
Let them be streams of joyful ponder
made possible by our union
If not for you
this day would be one of regret
because love would be a stranger
to this heart of mine
The sensation of embracing you
never known to my arms
My body never to be privy
to the purity of your love
flowing through it's
every vein and muscle
or your indelible touch
My quill would be absent of reason to sway
upon parchment in honor of you
My music devoid of your essence
your spirit breathes life into
the fruition of my inspiration
My motivation for this undertaking
into the after life
is to make preparations
for our eternity together
Perceive this not as my departure
see it as my arrival
into our loves immortality
For now,
let us linger within each other
watch the ocean dance to
the silent beat of the earth's rotation
Listen to the world breathe
it's exhales gently caressing our skin
I lose myself within you
only to find myself through you
Baring witness from your eyes
all that is beautiful in this existence
if ever I am lost
in the obscure darkness of doubt
your smile serves as
my beacon back to hope
Hours hasten to the past
daylight surrenders without contest to nightfall
I must leave now
give me one last loving kiss
I want to walk into forever
with it lingering upon my lips
As I fade into the light
I shall leave you with these words
On this my last day
Let these be the last words
Your ears hear me say
I Love You
The Nxt LeveL
Copyright 2007 all rights reserved
If you would like to hear me perform this piece just click on the link below thanks for coming by The Nxt LeveL
Poetry by The Nxt LeveL
Read 1067 times

Written on 2007-06-25 at 09:02

David L Wright |
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![]() by The Nxt LeveL Latest textsIf This Is My Last DayMy Only Regret Infatuation Abstract Fatal Kiss Pt2 |