In the early Autumn of  2005 I saw this picture and wrote a fun poem

Blonde And Beautiful by M.A.Meddings


She is  blonde

She is beautiful

And the breaker of my heart

Her loveliness

Each evening

taking me apart

I romance her with

Sweetest words

The best that

I can find


It makes no difference

How I speak

She just cannot find the time

But I have news for the girl

a lady of who

I'm fond

Last night she missed out

On  the  chance

To go flirting

With James Bond

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 657 times
Written on 2006-12-04 at 12:32

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James Bond huh? well someone should really straighten that girl out fast
oh so wonderful Michael
you are James Bond personified!

Kathy Lockhart
poor, poor woman missing out on James! Hey, i don't feel sorry for her at all. Just look at her!! Geeeeeeeesh!!

hehe - yeah, she certainly missed out on that one. =)

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Too Cool!! I love this!

to not have time she must be mad
to not to go out and enjoy her time
with this man who has many mysteries
this Man they call James bond
she sure missed out on
his adventure!
That blonde doesn't she
know she missed out but
hey! thats ok!Ill take her spot
to have my thrill!! lol:)
oh!!shit,had to get something
out of the deal:))
a fun read indeed!!
hugs to ya!