Thoughts on A Rainy night in Berkshire the picture was kindly lent to me by Dino Torquemada who drew it and his copywrite is acknowledged with thanks

The Bold Paladin by M.A.Meddings

The Bold Paladin
Rode out from the East
In his psyche
Were thoughts of the beast
He had come to Kill
Had he the will

But though he searched and he sought
No battle he fought
With a Monster
The fiiend that he found
Was in his own mind
The Bold Paladin

And so he rode back into the West
His demons exposed he stood the test
And stayed his hand
Cast of his lance
And as if by chance
Found console in the written word



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 581 times
Written on 2006-12-05 at 07:51

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Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
A good read portraying the power of the beast within well. A demon so hard to slay even by Paladin's sword.

The written word has been able to console many of us, many times. A good poem, Paladin pal!

Phyllis J. Rhodes
And as we know, the pen is mightier than the sword. I love the thunder of hoofs I heard while reading this.

I like the meanings between the lines :-). Starting with a beautiful painting and ending with the conclusion, it is all a splendid truth brilliantly exposed.

Ride on, write on, sweet paladin!