i got the inspiration for this from alice cooper's radio show. he was rambling incoherently, then suddelny yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!" and im like "theres a poem in there somewhere.." so yea. im weird.

what do you want from me?

what do you want from me?
do you want me to walk, strait faced
past the heartaches you embrase.
to forget all that you've done to me
im sorry, its not that fun for me.
to be pushed around
been put down
made such a clown
is that what you want from me?
to walk a tightrope, do tricks for you
put my life on the line to get your kicks for you
the evil glares
the icy stares
i dont care
what do you want from me?
to spin your web of lies out farther?
dont waste your time, dont bother
i'd never sink that low
you want to be my friend? that passed too long ago
you want me to fight back
to your secret sneak attacks
ive got to tell you that im past it
i dont know why you asked it
you aske me harmless questions as if we're friends again
and now i'd wish that it would end again
you twist my words you twist my arm
you can twist it all you like, it doesnt do me harm
what do you want from me?
you never let me be
well heres what i want from you my dear,
id like you to leave, please get out of here

Poetry by andrea
Read 947 times
Written on 2006-12-07 at 06:25

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Rob Graber
"you twist my words you twist my arm"--I like this double-barrelled accusation!

Powerful words here^^

Language: 4
Format: 3
Mood: 5
Overall: 3