Losing someone dear brings us to our senses often

In your heart by M.A.Meddings

And in your heart I long to be pretty lady
You with the radient smile that captured me
So  e'en though we lost  each other maybe
I would ne'er  forget how enchanted  I could be
And how the tenderness within my heart grew
When I lost you

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 646 times
Written on 2007-01-05 at 16:10

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Phyllis J. Rhodes
It is a sadly high price to pay for the gain of new sensitivity. But in the gaining you have assests that can be shared with others who, but for you would have no where else to go to be understood.

Amanda K
so sweet and it tickels the heart and amuses it.

all the best on 2007,

losing, then regaining can indeed bring us back again to paradise.
a beautiful picture of restoration in love.

So sad and so tender .....as love is at times ... and one hopes the maybe in this poem is the part that is true ... because in maybe lies the hope of not losing ...

And the feeling of gratitude that these lines tell of is one of loves most beautiful costumes.

A very beautiful love poem to one very special person ... of that your words speak lovingly.

Kathy Lockhart
those words of love show the tenderness of your heart Michael. There is a gentleness, a pureness of your love for this one who you miss so. beautiful poetry

dear michael, whoever you lost in order for you to find such tenderness in yourself could have been the luckiest person in the world...and i envy her...splendid poem...absolutely splendid...*bookmarked