A fantasy dream swapped recently in conversation. romantic me playing with the lines and stanzas read it slowly.

The Wrangler And The lady ( Victoria's secret) by M.A.Meddings

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Booked on a midnight flight from L A
Snowbound delays at Boston
Clearing the runways at Logan  they say  
Got to wait til
The storms done its worst
Nothing to do but wait
At  the City of  the Angels

And then I saw her
A real classy angel
A lady way out of my league
And just a few years too young
For a beat up old  wrangler like me
But I am always ready to please
A woman like that
And her needs

She was struggling with cases
A trolley to find
And I always hated to see
A lady with class
Well  maybe nice ass
Struggle like that 
An old  romantic like  me

So I cleaned off enough
Of yesterdays  mud
From my boots 
Just as anyone does  
Rubbing away 
On the legs of my jeans 
Anxious it seems
To impress
The blonde beauty  

What she did to my heart
Just  my saddle will know
And last time I asked  it was mute
But I am perfectly sure 
Thoughts are so pure 
I heard it say 
Just then ( she is beaut)

And I had to agree 
An old romantic like me

Excuse me ma'am was all I could say
As I offered my help in her plight
Let me take these
I am only too pleased 
To assist  
Were on the same flight

And then
She smiled 
And captured me

The wrangler in me
And for the first time
In  what seemed
A life time
I became lost
In a woman's  eyes

And fell in love

But it is Victoria's secret

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 985 times
Written on 2006-12-08 at 14:49

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Emelén The PoetBay support member heart!
never cared for blondes but this poem makes the blond a little bit less boring . Great work .

Wow, words can not express how good this is. Bookmark in my book. : )

~Aaron Rowe

awww i just love a romantic tale!
this is adorable my dear

~blue x

Rob Graber
Highly entertaining!

Kathy Lockhart
Mike this is superior work. It was a movie. It was a book! It was a scene in a dream. Ahhhh! Romance! Romance! Romance! No one is better at this than you. No one. favorites

it's lovely, romance