I wrote this on a hike on skyline drive after the ice storm around thanksgiving.


Here we walk in dream-like wonder,
All before us torn asunder.
No creatures here to share the silence
Just us two to stare in silence.

Yet now the sun begins to shine
Upon a solitary pine.
Evergreen and strong it grew
The icy storms it weathered through

And to this green among the grey
My hope adheres itself today
That when the hills seem dead and dry
We'll find beauty, you and I.

Poetry by Aurora
Read 1088 times
Written on 2006-12-09 at 21:03

Tags Trees  Hiking  Skyline 

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wow...this is absolutely stunning.

Morgan Cellohead
Wow, I didn't remember this one... It's amazing. I'm a fan.

And in midst of freshness
of the forest's plants
shall we rejoice
with high mood
of emotion
and passion!

This is indeed a poem with the use of precise words and imagery with focus that discusses the prime of all feelings: LOVE!

Dan Cederholm

Hey there a great poem with

so good rhymes and so many

pictures you paint in front of

my eyes! Well done, Dan


Rob Graber
Well crafted. I like especially the rhyme in lines 3 and 4!

Nice images after the winter storm, A lovely write. : )

~Aaron Rowe