Easter 1916 Dublin Ireland . An acrostic text 

Insurrection by M.A.Meddings


On easter Monday 26th April 1916 Patrick Pearce as leader of a group of Irish republican activists, stood on  the  steps of the general post office in Dublin
and declared the unilateral establishment of an independant Irish republic

It was the first practical, embryonic insurrection against British Sovereignty in Ireland. The rebellion was doomed to apparent failure and the rebels knew it.
They were intent however in bringing the cause to the notice of the Irish people and as a 'blood sacrifice' hoped to arouse a general Irish patriotism.

It seemed initially, on that count, to be a failure, for when the rebels were transported to England whilst awaiting trial, as they were marched under armed guard to  the  embarkation point  at the quays on O'Connoll Street they were booed and jeered by a largely hostile crowd.

Twelve months later  after a trial for treason and the leaders executed, the remaining rebels were brought back to Ireland for imprisonment in Mountjoy jail, they were cheered by a large and emergent patriotic crowd. The cause of Irish freedom was born and the insurrction continued albeit as a guerrilla war.

If one single event was to cause the people of Ireland to change there allegiance so dramatically, it was probably the fact that the leaders were executed and made martyrs. James Connoly founder of the initial insurrection on Easter Monday 12 months earlier and crippled by the injuries he received, was actually shot whilst sat in a wheelchair.

It was to prove the biggest mistake the English parliament made in its dealings with the Irish question. 

Irelands pain
Never again
Subjergated will we be
United in the cause
Rebel against the crown
Return the land to us
Easter Monday 1916
Connoly Pearce and the rest
Take what they give
Ireland we will free
One heart one freedom


Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 721 times
Written on 2006-12-11 at 09:53

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Zachary P. B.
i love your historical backgrounds... why haven't i read your work in such a long while? it escapes me... good work, as always, mike.

Kathy Lockhart
You are simply and completely a master at historical text and poetry. Thanks again for bringing history alive!

Another excellent history lesson from you, hero! Thanks!

Good to see you writing on a serious subject Mike and a fine write it is too. Yes there are always those whose bloodly sacrifice heralds a surge of change and I hope the peace will stay.

I have always found the Irish History fascinating, as my husbands family are deeply irish and my side also has the irish blarney running through it. Thanks for this fascinating fact. Will the British ever learn from these mistakes I wonder? Smiling at you, Tai

Dan Cederholm

sorry . . . island


Dan Cederholm

WOW this is BRILLIANT * Mike*!

Yes, and how long will it take and

how many more will it break . . .

before Ireland will break from the

English crown . . . To much religion

has separate the land from . . .

the green heart, Oh Ireland heal your

wounds and stand up as ONE . . .

so many tears and so many years

But the glory of UNITE will make

the the wounded heart whole again

Get up, stand up . . .

Green iland, Irland rise again . . .

All the best, Dan


Liza Daquini
M.A Meddings will be someone we remember in history,for his informative words of poetry....


I am very into history, Ireland ( I have ancestors from there--my mom loves doing geneology.) This is very well done and informative as well! BRAVO!