Sometimes in life and fiction when things are going along too smoothly, we become too engulfed in a fairy tale atmosphere. Sometimes it takes something like an unhappy ending to jerk us back to reality. Such is what occurs here to Cinderella and Prince Ch

Cinderella's Surprise

Cinderella was not having a great day. She usually mopped the kitchen floor once a day, but today it was double. One of her step sisters, the oldest, Anastasia, spilled some tea on it. The splatter would not have been as widely spread if the bit of beverage had spilled a different way, but Anastasia, who was busy fantasizing about Prince Charming out loud, seemed to have forgotten she was holding a tea cup full of tea, and in a second of utter negligence, the cream coloured liquid went spewing in all different directions; breaking the delicate tea cup in the process.

Cinderella wasted no time in setting about her task of cleaning the floor once again. If she did not clean it, no one else would have. She was full of hope though, for she and only she and her Godmother knew the glass slipper would fit her and no one else. She hoped that maybe someday soon, all her house cleaning chores would come to an end.

"Come, Anastasia. Let's go into the parlor while she cleans up the mess," said the younger one, Drizella. Although Drizella patiently listened to Anastasia talk of the Prince, she secretly hoped the shoe would fit her when he came around to their abode some time in the near future. For Drizella, just like every young woman in the Kingdom, had her own fantasies of Prince Charming as well.

When both sisters left the kitchen, Cinderella was pleased. She always felt better when doing her chores with no one else around. Of course, things might have been a lot different if they would include her in the conversation, but since they did not, she found it at times, difficult to focus on the task she was trying to complete. Their constant chatter would confuse her, moreso when her stepmother, Lady Tremaine was around. On this particular day though, the Lady had gone to town a little early to do some shopping.

It was Cinderella's time now to think of the Prince, while she was alone in the kitchen, cleaning. For it was she who danced with him all night up until the midnight hour on that evening at the ball. How his affectionate, blue eyes looked into hers every chance he got and how she eyed him too, with gentle smiles and loving glances. Other guests on the crowded dance floor were oblivious to them while they danced, as if they were in a trance. And although they hardly spoke to each other during those dances, they both knew they would see each other again. She felt even better when she thought of how bulky and clumsy her sisters' feet were.
"It would never fit them," she chuckled quietly.

Prince Charming on the other hand, was busy making his rounds of the land in search of the owner of the slipper. As usual, people fussed over him wherever he went. Mothers wept in silent disappointment as their daughters feet did not fit the piece of footwear, and some of those daughters ran sobbing into their pillows.

By the time the handsome specimen of royalty arrived at Cinderella's home sporting a brilliant tourquoise cape, her step mother, Lady Tremaine was there as well. Neighbours looked out from their windows as Cinderella hurried out carrying a chair so her kin could sit and try on the shoe in comfort.

A feeling of familiarity gripped Prince Charming upon spotting Cinderella, those eyes were unforgettable. Cinderella felt the same way upon seeing him. But Cinderella was embarrassed for him to see her in the rags she wore, so after placing the chair in front of the house, she quickly returned to her room in the attic. From where she sat, she had a good view of what was about to take place.

The first to try on the slipper was a giggling Lady Tremaine, herself. She pushed her right foot in as far as it would go in the smooth surface of the footwear, but it was not a fit. Her smile and giggle at once disappeared when she removed herself from the chair to make way for her eldest, Anastasia.

She took her place on the chair in true dainty and feminine fashion, setting both bare feet firmly on the ground. The prince, on one knee, held out the slipper as Anastasia gently placed her foot in it.

Lady Tremaine and Drizella gasped in delight. The slipper fit Anastasia. Neighbours came running out of their homes to pay homage to their new future princess, while a shocked and disbelieving Cinderella could not take her eyes off the scene.

"The slipper fit her," she heard herself say. The prince, also in some amazement had to be helped to his feet by his footmen. Unable to view the happy scene outside her window much longer, Cinderella paced the floor of her dark and cold room.

"How could this be, Godmother, how could this be. You said I was the one," she wept. The spell was broken, no fairy godmother appeared to console her. Cinderella closed her window and flopped herself on her tiny bed, sobbing as the joyful sounds of celebration was heard just outside. She wished she could turn off her ears the same way she would close her eyes if she did not wish to see something.

Short story by Judy Ramsook
Read 373 times
Written on 2006-12-12 at 19:43

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