The fire and the erotic passion of love

Oh!How I want To take You Dancing by M.A.Meddings

I want to take you dancing
Hold you in my arms romantically
Twirl you round in chiffon dresses
Whisper I love you tenderly
Bury my face in your golden tresses 
Oh! How I want to take you dancing

I want to lose myself in your eyes
Then drown myself in your desire 
And how I want to make love to you 
Slowly determinedly nurture your fire
Let you enjoy the things that I do
Oh! how I want to take you dancing

I want to lay you gently down
In these fields of summer flowers
Love you in my helplessness
Erotic within loves hours
Take you with all of my tenderness
Oh! how I want to take you dancing

Oh how I want to make love to you.







Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 893 times
Written on 2006-12-14 at 11:57

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when i read this poem, the rhythm made me feel as if i was dancing carried this off perfectly

*loves to dance*


Great poem! I loved it! keep the wonderful work up!

Rob Graber
A lovely love poem. The Beatles sang sang about being "happy just to dance with you," and let it go at that; I like this poem even more without the beans-spilling last line. ;-,?

Kathy Lockhart
after each stanza, the only sound i could make is mmmm. lol
This sensually romantic poem was its own dance. I am still swaying. : ) xx

Rik The PoetBay support member heart!
Excellently expressed as always. You make the words dance with such passion.

:) a very interesting poem, dear michael, and if one would read it slowly, they would feel the same flame as the one that burns inside you

Liza Daquini
Ohhh,he's done it again!Master of romantic words,sweet songs ina woman's ear... men's too for that matter!Men,out there,in the world,listen,read and learn to this excellence!

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Woweeeehihi!A lovely poem written by the master of romantic+erotic poems!*applause*

why can't all males enjoy dancing????? I enjoyed this read and could relate to the sentiments