Pyros and Jugglers

Let's play with fire
A game only played
When the jugglers taunt you
Burning the flames
They're living to haunt you

Watch as they burn
As the flames play at their finger tips
Watch as they kiss the flames
As they rub against their blistered lips
Oh, what a wonderful game
With your life at the risk of the flames

Come young pyros and
Young jugglers at hand

Let's see
How long the flames will burn
How long will you go?
To get to the edge
And we
Take the flames
And burn the torches and
Play this game again and again

This a place
When your whole life collapses
And you're playing the game
That will always last
Do you think that this is just for fun?
Do you think that there's nothing to do but play?
Are you ready for the game?

The game of the pyros and the jugglers at hand
Play with the flames and
Now who will be to win?
Now remember there's no end
This is the game for The Pyros and The Jugglers

Poetry by Angel D.
Read 333 times
Written on 2006-12-14 at 22:40

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