A  poem of sweet memories when it seemed the world had ended yet I learned how to live again. I would not have missed them. www.gopetsonline.com own pic copywrite

When I Was Forty Two by M.A.Meddings entry to Katherines remember the best times challenge

When I was Forty Two
And single again
I really cant remember when
I found life so enjoyable
Unbelievably shy
With a glint in my eye
I had to learn courting
Once more
This guy found an open door

When I was forty two
I didnt really know
What to do or ask her to dance
never took the chance
Until it was too late
No garden gate kids romance
This time around
Just inane smiles across A bar
Didnt get me far.

When I was forty two
Never tried to bed an ugly woman
But when I woke up
Sure found me a few
But then remembered
my fathers words
They were never too absurd
Son when choosing Diamonds and women
Choose them in daylight

When I was forty two
A dame came to my rescue
She had big brown eyes
A wet nose and powerful thighs
Her name was beauty 
Hows that sound
No not a dolly bird
A bloody Basset hound
My dog but could she pull the chics

When I was forty two
I gradually learned what to do 
let the dog go first
The effect was amazing
Instead of just gazing longingly
Drinking up liquid courage
Beauty could pull them to me
'Oh what a beautiful dog they would say'
Such beautiful eyes
So have you my stupid reply

When I was forty two
With no idea what to do
Initially how to romance again
I really couldnt remember when
I had been so lonely
But the dog saved the day
In her own sort of way
By being my friend
We survived in the end
Those enchanted years  







Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1385 times
Written on 2006-12-16 at 06:57

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of course,.................. Dogs are mans best friend ............

I liked your write for its feeling of every day life ... with all the wonders and plain moments it brings ... and dogs make life wonderous ........ ( I have four and they always make my day shine)

A very lovely read which made me remember to never forget to smile at the day put before me

Merry Christmas Michael
// Katherine

Phyllis J. Rhodes
A jewel of a write! I loved the truth and beauty and of course the low key humor and tickled me in all the right places to make me chuckle. I think 42 is one of the perfect ages for men. Men are mature enough at that age to know better than to act stupid to attract a woman, and often that is their sexiest time of life (they slow down and savor) and over the years even the best looking guys in their 20s look even better in their forties i.e. Paul Newman, Cary Grant, Johnny Depp, Clark Gable, Sean Connery, to name a few. Recently I've been thinking about men in their 50s, and seeing some positives there too.

Amanda K
i guess was interesting going through that phase, love has its taste in every life's stage. enjoyed the theme . Mike.


Rob Graber
Such a pleasure to read!

Charming, warm, nostalgic, with a subtle touch of humor: a perfect lastromantichero poem!

Chris Fernie
Dear Mike,

Strange how 'dog' is 'god' spelt backwards, that Sirius is the brightest star visible to the naked eye (with apologies to our Sun, of course). Your tender poem is indeed testimony to the possible reasons for my childish observations.

With best festive wishes,


Nice text here, i like it, lovley :)

Quintessential Romantic Hero. This write is soooo you... Bookmarked!

so nice poem
and some of the lines r so great

Kathy Lockhart
absolutely wonderful. You, the dog, and the poem are all adorable. thanks so much for the contribution! : ) xx

Michael, that puppy seems to still have its draw! I fell in love reading this tender, vulnerable expression of your heart. Just too precious; poem, dog and man. =)

~Blue xox

You are a perfect poet in this poem
I like you ^^
You really made me smile in this beautiful and bit sad lovely poem
Animals can also be our close friends sometimes
I really liked this poem
It's a bookmark ofcoz

OH my Gosh
You made me day by this poem^^
Hugs for you
God always bless you^^