This poem was written after I dreamed of taking a beautiful lady to dinner and buying her tea at the Ritz,a fantastic prospect


My Dear Mrs ****** by M.A.Meddings

My dear Mrs ******
Do you feel my heart tremble
And know perfectly well
How enchanted I am by you
And if you will allow
Well I am asking you now
To please have dinner with me

Therefore round about  eight
I would never be late
For a lady as pretty as thee

We have a table at nine
A restaurent so fine
With an intimate combo for dancing
Then after we've ate
May be I will get
A chance to provide
Some romancing

My Dear Mrs ******
God how I did  tremble 
So stunning
You looked in that dress
And lord what a mess
It made
Of my resolve
Not to think like man

Its impossible you see
Well maybe for me
To prevent this throbbing heart
Since your absolute beauty
Simply enchants me
Then slowly
Takes me apart

My dear Mrs ******
You know how I tremble 
When we dance  so close
Dont you see 
If the music is right
Then so is the night
To kiss you and
Bring you to me

We are dancing so closely
That I feel you heartbeat
Time is too soon at an end
Your taxi is waiting 
I am breathless and baiting
Dare I ask to see you again
You know I will miss you
So may I just kiss you
And hope
That we will meet again

My dear Mrs ******l
Just see how I tremble
You have agreed
To meet me again
A dangerous liasion
But on this occasion
Excuse me
If I dont behave

You fly home tomorrow
Leaving me sorrow
We may never
Yet meet again
But to day if it fits
It will be tea at the ritz
And romance in the soft
Summer rain

Then maybe
At My Flat In London



Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 909 times
Written on 2006-12-17 at 20:33

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Wonderful Mike, this simply flows, romantic and some a joy to read.

tiny slip of the pen..? Third stanza: ...after we eat (present tense)?


A pearl of a poem! Great you could base it on your dream.

Perfectly delightful to read. Charming, romantic and enchanting...just like YOU!


:) xxx no further comments needed

Kathy Lockhart
Romance is truly your middle name! You create scenes and moods any woman would like to live in at least once in her life.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I see Walter Pigeon and Greer Garson perhaps
in this wonderfully charming romance that makes me swoon.....aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh

Extremely charming!

Wow Mike, a night out with you would never be forgotten for sure. The ending was a little sad, but we must take what life offers when we are offered it and be content! Easier said than do, don't I know? lol Smiling at you, Tai

Phew. Must be some lady.

Lovely poem... amazing in its sheer romance and depth.

Rob Graber
Fantastically fantastic though!