Fiction, but of course:)

The Memory Remains

I have burnt your pictures
Burnt your letters
But I cannot seem
To burn you from my memory

Rising like a Phoneix
From the ashes of

The memory remains
Forever imprinted on
My soul

You invade my dreams
Invading my demenour
I push you away
And yet..

The memory remains

Poetry by Teala
Read 1166 times
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Written on 2006-12-18 at 03:43

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Brendan Finbarr Tully
''Rising like a Phoneix
From the ashes of you''

Just loved that line, would that I could emulate you in so much, Brendan.

munir mezyed
I have a poem similar to it is called NAY...I will post it some day and allow u to read it...any way..ur poem is Very romantic in away but at the same time full of emotion and love...But the question will always remain, are we able to delete the memories out of our mind?

Memories can be so hard to erase and you have conveyed this message so well in this poem.

it's nice poem
yes The memory remains
good done

Kathy Lockhart
how does one erase memories. I wish I knew. There's a few I would like to burn and then bury the ashes. Nicely done Teala

I also wish it was easier erasing someone/something from a memory (that seems to last forever), I just wish I always had the words to expressed it... Now I know why I didn't because I would not have been able to do it as well as you... Great Job Teala, hope you loose the memory

Rob Graber
Memories rising Phoenix-like from the ashes of the remembered: great image, Teala!