A dream within me

When Snow falls in Maryland by M.A.Meddings

'I love you when the snow falls in Maryland
I am loving you when the spring birds call
I love you in your silken Summer beauty
But in Autumn That enchanted time
Is when I simply love you most of all'

Poetry by lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 733 times
Written on 2006-12-18 at 22:41

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In other words, a fall in love :)
Sweet romantic rhyme!

a poem for all seasons
the delicacy of love woven into these simple lines creates a subtle softness

Kathy Lockhart
This is tender, gentle, and oh so beautiful.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I've been in Maryland in all these conditions and it is where a person could fall in love as easily as I fell in love with this poem.

love you for this one! you continue to stun me, sir michael:) xxxxxxx